Capkan Dimco - Čapkan Dimčo - Macedonia

Introduced by Atanas Kolarovski

Open circle, arms in V-Position. Meter 4/4.

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Facing to the R, step forward on R foot (1), hold (2), step forward on L foot (3), hold (4).
2 1-4 Step forward on R foot (1), hold (2), step forward on L foot (3), step forward on R foot (4).
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2 with opposite footwork.
5 1-4 Facing slightly diagonally R of center, step to R on R foot (1), hold (2), lift and drop R heel while lifting L leg with knee bent (3), step on L foot across R foot (4).
6 1-4 Facing center, step on R foot to R (1), hold (2), lift L leg forward with knee bent (3), slightly bend then straighten R knee (4).
7-8 Repeat measures 5-6 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
Part II
1 1-4 Facing center, step on R foot in place (1), hold (2), step on L foot in place (3), step on R foot in place (4).
2 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork
3 Facing slightly diagonally R of center, step to R on R foot (1), hold (2), lift and drop R heel while lifting L leg with knee bent (3), step on L foot across R foot (4).
4 Repeat measure 1.
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.